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David Williams Aus

 When I started at try itt I was overweight and not motivated. Kevin managed to ease me into it.. make it fun and varied... and next thing I know I am thinking I can do a triathlon I can do a half marathon... despite  being 53 and with great amount of work to do... ps he also listens to my crap!

Kriszta Szabo HUN

A training that's never boring, a coach that keeps you motivated no matter what and sport becomes a part of your life, even when you are not the most active person. Try-Itt changed my life and I'll be forever grateful as it's just the method what I needed: getting in shape is actually fun with a fantastic coach who is foremost a great human being understanding all your struggles!

Maria Williams Aus

I love try-itt! Kevin does a great job tailoring sessions and motivates you to work hard. He focuses on improving technique and helps set longer term goals resulting in great overall improvements.

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